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Baju APD Alat Pelindung Diri Baju Hazmat Suite Coverall Waterproof
Rp15,680.00Read more -
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Bed Obgyn Kursi Ginekologi Meja Ranjang Periksa Kehamilan Melahirkan
Rp2,303,000.00Read more -
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Bed Side Cabinet Sella Lemari Laci Baju Pasien Rumah Sakit Bedside
Rp1,024,100.00Read more -
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Bed Side Kayu Kabinet 3 Pintu Sella Lemari Baju Pasien Cabinet
Rp764,400.00Add to cart -
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Bedside Cabinet Sella Lemari Baju Pasien Kabinet Rumah Sakit Bed Side
Rp1,259,300.00Read more -
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Catgut Silk Braided 2/0 + Jarum Needle Benang Sutra Jahit Medis
Rp112,700.00Read more -
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Catgut Silk Braided 3/0 + Jarum Needle Benang Sutra Jahit Medis
Rp107,800.00Read more -
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Celemek Plastik Apron One Isi 50 Pcs Sekali Pakai Medis P3k Onemed
Rp88,200.00Read more -
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Cosmomed Suction Cathether Selang Penyedot Dahak Peralatan Medis
Rp2,646.00Select options -
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Deck Glass 18 x 18 mm Assistent Penutup Cover Kaca Microscope Gea
Rp11,760.00Read more -
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Deck Glass 20 x 20 mm Cover Penutup Kaca Microscope Mikroskop isi 200
Rp12,250.00Read more -
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Deck Glass 22 x 22 mm Cover Kaca Penutup Microscope Deckglass Slips
Rp13,230.00Read more -
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Deck Glass 24 x 24 mm Cover Kaca Penutup Microscope Coverglass Gea
Rp13,720.00Read more -
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Diagnostic Set THT Dental Instrumen Diagnostik Kit Stainless Steel
Rp681,100.00Read more -
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Dopler LCD Doppler Alat Dengar Detak Jantung Bayi Janin Lotus LT-555+
Rp539,000.00Read more -
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Dopler LCD Doppler Dengar Detak Jantung Bayi Janin Fetal Hi Bebe BT200
Rp749,700.00Read more -
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Dopler Sound Doppler Dengar Detak Jantung Bayi Janin Fetal Hi Bebe
Rp460,600.00Read more -
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Double Spike Infusion Onemed Alat Penusuk Tusuk Botol Cairan Infus
Rp2,352.00Read more -
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Extractor Mucus Alat Penyedot Lendir Slem Seher Penghisap Reak Bayi GC
Rp7,840.00Read more -
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Fetal Doppler Vcomin FD 200A Alat Pendengar Detak Jantung General Care
Rp392,000.00Read more -
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GEA Selang Infus Dewasa Infusion Set Adult Gea Single Use Disposable
Rp3,822.00Add to cart -
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Gunting Iris Bengkok 11cm Onemed Stainless Operasi Bedah Mata 11 cm
Rp11,760.00Read more