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HomeShopSarung Tangan & Masker MedisMasker N95 3M 9105 Pelindung Anti Debu Virus Face Mask Disposable

Masker N95 3M 9105 Pelindung Anti Debu Virus Face Mask Disposable

Harga per pc masker N95

Anti virus corona

3M VFlex Particulate Respirator N95 9105

– Dapat digunakan untuk menghindari virus Korona

– 95% penyaringan partikel debu

– Dapat dilipat vertikal

– Mudah dibawa dan masuk saku

– Tipe Headloop memudahkan penggunaan dengan jilbab

How long does a 3m n95 mask last?

Based on that data, I'd say these masks last at least two weeks. I wear mine for 3-4 weeks. Like Richard Saint Cyr MD says, by that point, the masks are so gross that it's time to throw them away anyway.


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SKU: 3M-9105 Category:

Additional information

Weight 0.03 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm


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